Journey Beyond the West (2014)
Premiere: Princeton Atelier Program, Berlind Theater
Choreography & Direction: Rebecca Lazier in Collaboration with Scott Parker (fight choreography) and the Performers
Music: Fred Ho
Lighting Designer: Aaron Copp
Costume Designer: Anita Yavich
Sets & Shadow Puppets: Jesse Poleshuck
Video: Eamon Farrell
Fred Ho’s Journey Beyond the West: The New Adventures of Monkey is a reimagining of the metaphysical and magical tales of the Chinese epic The Journey to the West. His hybrid score synthesizes musical influences from the African Diaspora, Chinese opera and folk forms, as well as American Contemporary popular culture and uses instrumentation of Asian, African, and European origins.
Lazier was introduced to Journey Beyond the West in 2002 when Ho asked her to direct Acts I-III at the Guggenheim Museum 2003 and Acts IV through the Princeton Atelier program in 2014. This modern take on a classic tale blends Asian and popular American influences Peking Opera with jazz and funk and martial arts with acrobatics and contemporary dance. The action of the production was created collaboratively with students, Lazier (director) and Scott Parker, fight choreography.
“During my research, I was captivated by the fantastical imagination of each adventure. This is a tale that twists in unexpected ways yet reassures in its message of perseverance. It has been a great honor to dive into the world of Fred Ho and, hopefully, impart a sense of his revolutionary vision. ”